Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Child's Reasoning

I was watching my friends' kids for a night while they were out of town. After our long day of school and Bible study, we decided the best dinner option was McDonald's! They were soooo excited to be going there, you'd think they never eat there (right, Marcie!?) The boy took a picture of the "golden arches" with my camera phone for a long-lasting memory, and we proceeded to go inside to eat (even better, according to them). After we finished and were heading back to the car, the age-old battle began: Who gets the front seat? The boy had the front on the way there, so naturally it should be his sister's turn. However, he argued that not only is he older, he weighs more, and therefore is the only who can sit in the front. To which his sister replied, "Well, I just ate!" I cracked up. And then I reminded her that although she did just eat, so did her brother :)


Sarah said...

maybe this will help? It illegal for any child under the age of twelve to ride in the front seat of a car in Illinois.
Um, yeah. Adrianne told me.

I like you.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I just heard on the news tonight that it's 80 pounds (Quinn only weighs like 50). It seems like the Dept. of Transportation should clear this up for us.

Actually, I'm lucky to have the kids buckled in...they think we only have to do that when we go to the suburbs.