Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Battle of Trust

We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy

It was hard (and still is), but I finally did it. I admitted to myself that I don't trust God. Not really. I may say I do...I may think I do...I may even look like I do. But when it comes down to it, I want to be the one "running the show". I came to this realization due to the fact that I've been spending a lot of time thinking and praying about the young lady I mentioned in my previous blog. I needed to come up with a plan, with an idea of how I was going to help her. I knew that God wanted me to give Him enough credit, so to speak, to know that He could handle things. But then I freaked out. Because part of trusting someone is believing in them and what they are doing even when I don't understand, and even when, God forbid, I don't "like" it. I freaked out, because all along I've been saying "I trust you, God". I know You're going to do big things in this girl. I know You're going to help her get her act together and go on to graduate from high school, go to a great college, get a job she loves and excels at, marry a man who respects and loves her, and so on and so on. "I trust you, God". (When what I really meant was, "make sure my plan for her happens, okay God?") And, of course, God, in His not so subtle way, showed me that my so-called "trust" was really just a way of manipulating myself into believing that I had conquered the ever-present battle of what it means to trust. I freaked out, because God reminded me that maybe, just maybe, His plan isn't my plan. That maybe, this girl won't graduate from high school. Maybe she'll get pregnant and be lucky to finish her GED. Maybe she won't go to a great college. Maybe she'll be on welfare. Maybe she won't marry a man who loves and respects her. Maybe she'll go from one boyfriend to the next, forever seeking that love and affirmation. And yet, if the latter is true, does that make God any less "trustworthy"? Because, let's face it. In my mind, option #2 sucks! There's no way you could convince me that it would be better than what I've dreamed up for her. And yet, even if #2 ends up being the reality, is God still in control? Is His plan still intact, or did it somehow get thwarted?

I was sharing some of this internal battle with a friend of mine, and he said something that I'm trying to hold onto right now. He said that due to the fact that I'm human, (oh...right...sometimes I forget that :), I have such a limited view of what reality is. I see this situation and without doubt think that path #1 is the best option. But when it comes down to it, I see a minuscule speck. Somehow, God sees it all, and knows how He is going to be able to bring the most glory to Himself. Even if it is through a girl who drops out of school, gets pregnant by 16, and lives on welfare for the rest of her life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lost Dreams in the Reality of Life

Some days are really hard. Some conversations are even harder. I got together with one of our highschoolers last night who has basically dropped out of everything good for her (including school). It can be very frustrating talking to a teenager. They tend to see everything in the here and now, and don't realize that yes, I might actually have some insight into their future (and what it's going to take to get them where they say they want to be). I haven't been around all that many years yet, but I have seen my share of kids fail; I've seen them lose interest in things, follow the path of those before them, and land themselves in a really dire situation. This girl was one who I genuinely believed was going to "make it", in spite of all the crap surrounding her. There's something in her that has always out-shined those around her. Yet after my time spent with her last night, I came home really depressed. Her dreams are fading fast, and I don't know what else to do to help revive them.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting :)

I was babysitting a few nights ago for a 6 year-old girl and her 4 1/2 year-old brother. I asked the little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up, and she replied, "A makeup artist." Hmm...that's cool, I thought. She then pulled out this giant case of makeup and said, "Want me to do your makeup?" "No," I thought, but instead replied, "Sure! That'd be great!" So, she proceeded to put about 5 different colors of blush on my cheeks, bright pink lipstick followed by some gooey lip gloss (which, by the way, she sneezed directly in before applying to my lips) on my lips, 10 shades of eyeshadow on my eyes, purple goo on my eyebrows to "keep them in place", and she topped it all off with sparkly pink fingernail polish on my nails. Boy, did I look good! And what was the 4 1/2 year old boy doing duirng all of this, you might ask? He was giving himself a makeover...and he might've just given me a run for my $ :)