Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lost Dreams in the Reality of Life

Some days are really hard. Some conversations are even harder. I got together with one of our highschoolers last night who has basically dropped out of everything good for her (including school). It can be very frustrating talking to a teenager. They tend to see everything in the here and now, and don't realize that yes, I might actually have some insight into their future (and what it's going to take to get them where they say they want to be). I haven't been around all that many years yet, but I have seen my share of kids fail; I've seen them lose interest in things, follow the path of those before them, and land themselves in a really dire situation. This girl was one who I genuinely believed was going to "make it", in spite of all the crap surrounding her. There's something in her that has always out-shined those around her. Yet after my time spent with her last night, I came home really depressed. Her dreams are fading fast, and I don't know what else to do to help revive them.

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