Sunday, July 1, 2007

To Go or Not To Go

Do you ever find yourself driving to church on a Sunday morning, only to feel yourself becoming extremely envious of those who aren't headed there? You know...the people out for a jog, or on a leisurely bike ride; the ones enjoying brunch at an outdoor cafe, or all packed up and headed for the beach? Last night I decided that I was going to be one of those people that everyone else gets envious of :) I slept in until 10:00 a.m., made myself pancakes for breakfast as I watched the news, and then headed out for a bike ride (on my newly purchased bike as of yesterday!) There was only 1 problem: I felt kind of guilty. For various reasons, I haven't been to my church since the end of May. And well, now it's July. I'd told myself earlier in the week that I was going to suck it up and go today, yet somehow when I got home late last night, it didn't seem all that appealing. So, I didn't. I mean, is it really beneficial if I'm only going to church out of a sense of guilt? I know, I know, now I sound like I'm trying to justify myself, and maybe I am. Regardless, I did spend 3 great hours down by the lake biking, soaking in the sun, and enjoying the scenery. Maybe that was just the kind of "church" that I needed today.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

church is just the building, its the action that goes on there that makes it special. I think we need to find some new action? I dont know. The exact same thing happened to me this morning, I was sure I was going to go but then when time got close I was like, eh I really don't want to do that. What happened to the fervor that i felt when we first joined new community? I am not sure.

I heard this quote once and it was going to church does not make you a christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Maybe your church and worship was more effective alone and on your new bike this morning.
I wish I did something as constructive as that this morning.